Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Structural Biochemistry

Prof. Parmalee Towb UC San Diego Spring 2008 submitted on 14 April, 2008

Introduction to Organic Chemistry 2

McGill University, Winter 2008 submitted on 15 March, 2008

Modern spectroscopic techniques for structure determination. The chemistry of alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds and amines whith special attention to mechanistic aspects. Special topics.

World of Chemistry

McGill University, Winter 2008 submitted on 15 March, 2008

Water, air pollution, sick-building syndrome, the chemistry of the car, energy (fossil fuel, nuclear), environmental accidents, household products, computers and cosmetics including skin, teeth, hair, and smells. Extensive use of visual materials etc...

General Chemistry 2 - Part II

McGill University, Winter 2008 submitted on 15 March, 2008

Acids, bases, liquids, solutions etc...

General Chemistry 2 - Part I

McGill University, Winter 2008 submitted on 15 March, 2008

Introduction to Chemistry

Berkely Fall 'o6, Video streaming and Audio downloadable

Atomic Structure; Molecular Formulae; Light Waves, Absorption; Spin, Pauli Principle; Atomic Spectra; Radiation; Matter; Periodic Properties; Chemical Bonds; Molecular Structure; Covalent and Ionic Bonds; Hybridization; etc....

Organic Chemistry

Rio Hondo College

Functional Groups, Nomenclature of Alkanes, Alkyl Halides, Ethers, Cycloalkanes, Alcohols, Alkenes and Alkynes

Oxford Webcast Lecture Series

Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford

The lectures cover a wide range of topics from Organic, Physical and Inorganic chemistries.

General Chemistry I, II, III

Professor Carl Hoeger, UC San Diego Spring 2007 Audio Podcast

Contemporary Chemistry

Professor Richard H. Jarman College of DuPage 2007 Audio only

Introduction to chemistry, Measurements, Atoms, Electronic structures, Nuclear forces and Radio activity, Applications of radiation, Equations, Matter and Gas, Balls, sticks, acids, bases, oxidation reduction, organic chemistry, fossil fuels, polymers etc...

Physiological Chemistry I

Professor Thomas Wilson The University of Massachusetts Lowell Fall 2007

Astrophysical Chemistry

VEGA Science Trust, 2004, Streaming

Overview of Universe, Atomic and molecular spectroscopy, origin of elements, Molecular radio Astronomy and IR techniques, Optical Spectra from space, Electronic Spectroscopy and Franck Condon factors and Radio Astronomy.

Chemistry Lecture Demonstration Movie Sheets

Fundamentals of measurement, Elements and Compounds, Stoichiometry, Gases, Thermochemistry, The structure of the atom, Periodic table, covalent bond, Chemistry of the Nonmetals, Acids and Bases, Transition metal chemistry, Structure of solids, Liquids, Solution, Gas-Phase reactions, acid-base equlibria, Electrochemistry, Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics,. Nuclear chemistry, Chemistry of carbon etc...

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry

MIT, Fall '04, Streaming and Downloadable

Origin; Periodic Table; Atomic Structure; Rutherford and Bohr Model; The Shell Model; Quantum Numbers; Orbital; Octet; Ionic Compounds; Bonds; Molecules; Metallic Bonding; Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semicond- uctors; Crystals; X-ray Spectra; Silicates; Chemical Kinematics; Acids and Bases; Organic Chemistry; Biochemistry; Ipids; Nucleic Acids; Phase Diagrams etc....

Principles of Chemical Science

MIT, Fall '05, Streaming and Downloadable

Atomic Theory; Nucleus; Radiation; Wave; Hydrogen Atom; Orbitals; Bonds; Lewis Diagrams; Octet Rule; Hybridization and Chemical bonding; Chemical and Acid-Base Equilibrium ; Oxidation; Transition Metals and Kinetics etc....

Principles of Chemical Science

MIT, Fall '05, Streaming and Downloadable

Atomic Theory; Nucleus; Radiation; Wave; Hydrogen Atom; Orbitals; Bonds; Lewis Diagrams; Octet Rule; Hybridization and Chemical bonding; Chemical and Acid-Base Equilibrium ; Oxidation; Transition Metals and Kinetics etc....

Chemical Structure and Reactivity-I

Berkely Fall 'o6, Video streaming

Delocalized Pi Systems: Propenyl, Butadiene; Benzene; Aromaticity; Annulenes and Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution; Aldehydes; Keytones; Enols; Enolates; Enals; Enones; etc....

Organic Chemistry

Introduction, Conformation, constitution, Configuration, Hydrocarbon rings, Stereotropism, Carbon bonding, Bonding in Carbon Polyene Systems, Thermodynamics & Kinematics, Acidity, Basicity, Oxidation, Bimolecular and Unimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution, Alkanes, Carbonyl, Carbohydrates etc....

Organic Chemistry II

Addition, Elimination, Substitution, Redox and Test Reactions. Keto-Enol-Tautomerism. Carboxylic Acids and Derivates, Radicals and Radical Ions, Kinetics, Dyes, Chromatographically Separation Methods, Synthetics, Chemical Technology etc...

Imperial college chemistry

Lectures by Noble Laureates: Organometallic chemistry, Conformational Analysis, Photochemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Phthalocyanines, Stereo control in organic synthesis using silicon compounds etc....

1 comment:

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