Algorithms: Sorting, Searching & data Structures, Red-Black Trees. Graph Algorithms: Topological Sorting, Prim’s algorithm, DFS, BFS, Kruskal’s algorithms, and shortest path. Geometric algorithms: Graham & Jarvis; Dynamic Programming. Parsing. Greedy algorithms, NP Completeness etc...
University of Washington, Spring 2004
MIT Spring'05 Streaming and Downloadable
Analysis of Algorithms; All Sorting techniques; Recurrences; Divide and Conquer: Strassen, Fibonacci, Polynomial Multiplication; Heaps and Hashing; Dynamic Programming; Graph Algorithms; number theoretic algorithms; amortized analysis;Shortest paths; Catching and parallel computing etc....
Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in Java
University of Florida
Design and analysis of algorithms. Methodologies include: divide and conquer, dynamic programming and greedy strategies. Applications include: sorting, ordering and searching, graph and geometric algorithms, mathematical matching algorithms such as number theory, algebra and linear algebra algorithms.
Indiana University / Purdue University, Indianapolis
Introduction to computing, Basic Problem-solving with STAIR, Lights, Legos, and Numbers. Converting from binary to base 10 and base 10 to Binary. Basic logic Gates. Storing data in ABNIAC, ASCII representation, adding and looping in ABNIAC.
Indiana University / Purdue University, Indianapolis
Introduction, Programming, Basic Input/Output. Variable declarations, Data Types and Expressions. Program Control, Functions, Information Representation, Arrays, Ethics, Pointers, Characters and strings, Structures and Models of Computation etc...
Indiana University / Purdue University, Indianapolis
Orientation, Advanced Programming, Concepts in Object-Oriented Design, Classes, Stream Input/Output Basics, Abstract Data Types, Operator Overloading, Inheritance, virtual functions, Exception handling, Templates, Standard Template Library, Graphical User Interface, Visual Programming, QT Designer, Boolean Algebra, Digital Logic, Analysis of Algorithms, Elementary Data Structures, Recursion, Abstract Data Types, Sorting Algorithms, Quick sort, Mergesort, Ethics etc...
MIT lecture videos Spring 2007
CMOS Technology, Logic Synthesis, FSMs, Synchronization, Pipelining, Design Tradeoffs, Programmability, Instruction set, Building the Beta, Memory hierarchy, Cache issues, Virtual Memory and Machines, Devices and Interrupts, Deadlocks etc...
Introduction, what can be computed and how fast it can be done, Applications to compilers, string searching, and control circuit design. Finite state machines, context free grammars and turing machines, decidability, complexity theory etc.
Data Structures and Advanced Programming
UC Berkeley Fall 2004
Basic Java, Objects and References, Arrays and Objects, Object-Oriented and Generic Programming, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Interfaces and Partial Implementations, Abstract Datatypes, Collections, Trees, Generics, Threads, Coroutines etc...
Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming
Objects and classes; Iteration and Arrays; Linked Lists; Stack frames; Inheritance; Abstract Classes; Java Packages; Exceptions; Encapsulation; Hash Tables; Stacks, Queues, trees and Traversals, Graphs and Sorting etc....
Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in Java
University of Florida
Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming
Number Representation; Intro to C; C pointers, Arrays,Strings and Structures; Memory Management; MIPS; Floating point; Compilation, Assembly and Linking; Combinational logic Blocks; CPU Design etc...
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming
Functional Programming; Shell Programming; Higher-Order Procedures; Recursion and Iteration; Data Abstraction; Sequences; Hierarchical Data; Interpreter; Generic Operators etc....
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Topics: Building Abstractions; Computational processes; Higher order procedures; compound data; data Abstractions; Controlling interactions; Generic Operations; self-describing data; message passing; stream and infinite data structures; meta-linguistic abstraction; interpretation of programming languages; machine model, compilation and Embedded languages etc. submitted on 16 April, 2008
Introduction to Ajax and Overview of the Ajax Shopping Cart Ajax Tools,Overview of the Source Files etc...
40 Java Video Tutorials on youtube
YouTube submitted on 2 April, 2008
Some of these teach basics with getting starting programming using Java, and some are more advanced, showing you how to code loops, arrays, exceptions, Netbeans, Web services, Event handing, JDBC, and Inheritance.
Operating Systems and Systems Programming
Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming
Introduction to OS; Concurrency: Processes and Treads; Synchronization; Mutual exclusion; Semaphores, Monitors; Readers and Writers; Deadlock; Address Translation; Caching; Page Allocation and Replacement; File System and Disk Management, Naming, Directories, Distributed Systems etc....
Programming Systems Seminar Series
Intel Research Berkeley
The Intel Research Berkeley Programming Systems Seminar Series brought together some of the greatest minds in programming language design.
Indiana University / Purdue University, Indianapolis
Multimedia Introduction, SMIL presentations, Advanced SMIL, Audio, Raster Graphics, Vector Graphics, 3D vector Graphics, Motion video etc...
University of Washington, Autumn 2000
Overview, Problems, Algorithms, Variables, Arithmetic Expressions, I/O, Conditionals, Functions, Iteration, Loops, Complex Conditionals, Arrays, Linear & Binary Search, Sorting, Structures, Strings, Nested data structures, File Input/Output, Style, Recursion, Recursive binary search etc....
University of Washington, Spring 2006
Data structures, types, control structures. Languages in the ALGOL family; functional, object-oriented, and logic programming languages.
Introduction to Symbolic Programming
weiner lecture Archieve, Fall 2001
Functions, Expressions and Procedures, Words and sentences, Booleans, variables, recursion, Higher order functions, Lambda, Input/output, Lists, trees, Box and Pointer Diagrams etc...
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Berkeley Fall'06 Streaming
Functional Programming; Shell Programming; Higher-Order Procedures; Recursion and Iteration; Data Abstraction; Sequences; Hierarchical Data; Interpreter; Generic Operators etc....
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Topics: Building Abstractions; Computational processes; Higher order procedures; compound data; data Abstractions; Controlling interactions; Generic Operations; self-describing data; message passing; stream and infinite data structures; meta-linguistic abstraction; interpretation of programming languages; machine model, compilation and Embedded languages etc....
Object oriented programming with Java
Object oriented programming with Java. Principles of software engineering. How to design and think in an object oriented fashion.
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