Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Internetworking and Higher Layer Protocol

New Jersey Institute of Technology submitted on 17 April, 2008

Internetworking and Higher Layer Protocol

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Network Interface Design

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Communications Hardware

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College 2007 podcast downloadable

ACLs Brain teaser, Access Control lists, Memory and PWs, VLANs lab, Switching and VLAN review, Cisco Layer 2 Switching, IGRP routing, IP RIP, IP Routing, Router Config and Troubleshooting, Configuring Router, Cisco IOS, VLSM, subnetting and IP addressing etc...

Integrated Communication Networking

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College 2007 podcast downloadable

PBX Extension Programming, Integrated telephony, RAID etc...

Local Area Networking

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College 2007 podcast downloadable

Introduction to Windows 2003 networks, LAN security protocols, topologies, wired & wireless, Media, IP and binary etc...

Cisco Certified Networking Associate

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College 2007 podcast downloadable

CCNA frame relay and ISDN, WANs and Point to Point Protocol, Access Control Lists, Switches and VLANs, IP and Routing protocols, Subnetting and VLSM, Internetworking, OSI-DOD model, encapsulation and hierarchical model etc...

Introduction to Network Communications

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College 2007

Introduction to Network Communications. Digital & analog, PSTN, Structured cabling, Internet protocols, DOD (TCP/IP), HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and OSI model. LAN protocols: Ethernet, Token Ring, LAN Hardware: terminators, repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches and routers. Linux, Internet Networks, DNS. VPNs, Packet Switched etc...

System and Network Administration

UNIX Networking: Concepts, ifconfig and Addresses, ARP, Gateways, and Linux Networking, DHCP and PPP; Network Services: Services and Ports, Protocols and Daemons.

Security and Windows 2000, with emphasis on IIS

Fermilab Beams Division Networking Group Series

Wireless and Mobile Networking

Prof: Raj Jain Spring '06 Both Streaming and downloadable

Wireless Local Area Networks; WMAN; Wireless Cellular Networks: 1Gand 2G ;Wireless Cellular Networks: 3G; Quality of Service in Data Networks; TCP over Wireless ; Network Security Concepts: Review: Wireless Network Security; Mobile IPv4; Mobile IPv6; Ad Hoc Networks Issues and Routing; Energy Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks; Wireless Sensor Networks; RFID ; Wireless Mesh and Multihop Relay Networks.

Introduction to Computer Networking

Prof : Raj Jain Fall '05 Both Streaming and downloadable

Data Communications and Networking; Data Transmission; Transmission Media; Signal Encoding Techniques; Digital Communications Techniques; Data Link Control Protocols; High-Speed LANs(3 parts); Wireless LANs; Cellular Wireless Networks; Internet Protocol; Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6); Routing in Switched Networks; Transport Protocols; Network Security; Network Management (SNMP); Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP); an overview of ATM networks.

Computer Communication Networking

Prof. Shiv Kalyanaraman Fall '01 Streaming and downloadable

A very extensive Material. Application Layer; Transport layer (TCP); Network Layer (Internetworking, IP, Routing); Modeling: Probability; Data link later

Internet Protocols

Prof. Shiv Kalyanaraman Fall '01 Streaming and downloadable

Networking Concepts; Internetworking; Routing: Basic ideas, Protocols (RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, PNNI), Exterior Gateway protocols (EGP, BGP-4, CIDR); UDC, TCP; Congestion control; Multicast; IPv6; OAM Functions; QoS; High Speed Router Design.

Broadband and Optical Networks

Prof. Shiv Kalyanaraman Fall '03 Streaming and downloadable

Integrated Architectures: ISDN, SONET, ATM Networks; Frame Relays, MPLS; High-Speed Router & Switch Design; Traffic Engineering & Survivability; IP Telephony; Optical Networking; WDM & DWDM; Passive and Wavelength Routed Networks; IP over Optical Networks.

Wireless, Wi-Fi, Voip and Many more

Science Dissemination Unit '06 Streaming & download

Use of Unlicensed Spectrum; Wi-Fi Networking Architecture; Wi-Fi Security; IP Networking,DHCP and NAT; Network Monitoring and Management in Linux; Antenna Theory; DIY Wi-Fi Antennas ; Software for Antenna Design; Radio propagation Basics; Link Budget Calculation; VoIP; Mesh Networks and manyother topics included.

Network Technologies Educational Series

Topics include How the OSI Model Works, How TCP/IP (Networking) Works, How The Internet Runs, How DNS Works etc....

WiMax, Ultrawideband, WiFi, ZigBee and BluetoothFree Login

Microwave & RF webcast series

WiMax, Ultrawideband, WiFi, ZigBee and Bluetooth wireless systems

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