Monday, March 24, 2008

Sample recommendation letter 6.

Letter of reference

To Whom It May Concern:

I am very pleased to write this letter of reference for xxx , who has been studying Information and Computing Science in our department since 2001.

As the assistant head of Institute of Mathematics and System Science and her former teacher in “ Analytical Mathematics (Calculus) ”, I have ample opportunity to observe her in many ways and believe that she is one of the most promising students possessing a great-untapped potential. Her tenacity and steadiness in her academic pursuits brought her professional proficiency. Unusually extensive courses she selected to study certainly indicate that she has a broad range of knowledge in many subjects.

She distinguished herself not only in the grades she earned but also in her ability to work independently and creatively. She is a person full of ideas, always brings up stimulating questions and original comments, showing profound insights into her major.

Worthy of mentioning is her English proficiency. She already owns the ability of speaking English fluently, writing and translating English freely into Chinese and Uighur. Here Uighur students study Chinese, we don’t require them to study English. As I know, she started to learn English at her early ages with the help of her tutor and then studied completely by herself (very few do that). Before attending this University, she already reached the level which we require Chinese students to have in order to get their diploma, which shows that she can master language quite quickly. Also she is skillful in getting wanted information through English mathematical literature so that she can be familiar with the development of her major in time.

I strongly recommend her for admission to your program with the belief that you will find your investment in this promising student very worthwhile.



Professor of Mathematics

Mathematics & System Science Institute
830046, Xinjiang University

Tel: +86 991


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